Thursday, March 17, 2011

Locked Up!

The kids are all out of school for Spring Break this week and I have been off work so we can do fun things together. Today, we had planned to have a picnic at Hafer Park and fish in the pond. We were joining Ericka (my sis-in-law) and her two little ones (Mark, age 2 and Abby, age 7 months). Sounds fun, right? Well, we awoke this morning to winds that could blow the nose right off your face! So, we decided to fore-go the park. I envisioned picnic food flying all over the place and someone falling into the pond after a big gust of wind! So, instead, we were meeting at my house and picnicking in the backyard. That way, we could move the excitement indoors once the kids were finally convinced that it really IS too windy to eat outdoors! Ericka needed to run a quick errand, and I needed to take Dallas to feed Lance's dog (how do I get roped into these things?) and visit Noni in her new apartment, and then we were meeting up at my house!

While visiting Noni (my "errand"), John receives a phone call from a somewhat frantic, yet wanting to laugh, Will (my brother... Ericka's husband), reporting that Mark, the 2 year old, has been locked in the car inside the garage. Mark was responsibly buckled into his carseat, which he knows very well how to get out of all by himself (this is important later). Ericka had to run to the neighbor's house to call Will for help as her phone was also in the car. So, we leave Noni's apartment and speed on over to the rescue! I wrangled a wire hanger into the car window and try to no avail to use that to push the automatic lock button. Will had already tried several locksmith's who all had better things to do apparently. John informs us that Edmond PD no longer carries lock-pick due to "liability". WHAT??? Don't they take an oath to SERVE AND PROTECT? I am pretty sure this falls under PROTECT... oh well... off my soapbox and on to plan B! I call Jim Smith at work. He drops his very important duties and helps us find a locksmith willing to show up! Thanks Jim! So we relax a bit and Dallas is talking to Mark through the window. He is telling Mark, "take your seatbelt off and open the door"... Mark says, "no, I want to go to Aunt Karly's house"! This is when i realized that the poor kid isn't crying because he's scared... it's because he can't figure out why in the WORLD these dummies are not getting in the car to go to Aunt Karly's house! Bahahahaha!!!! He even pointed to the keys and told his mommy, "there's your keys Mommy, get in and drive to Aunt Karly's house"! Of course he didn't want to get out of the car... my house is soooo much fun!

John finally remembers that a guy he knows has a lock-pick and calls him. Lucky for us, he was fast on his way! (Oh yeah... the locksmith called twenty minutes later and reported that his truck broke down and he was unable to make it... panic strikes again!) Dallas tells Mark that Superman is on his way to save the day! Mark cries, "Is he scary???" hahaha! Dallas tells him NO! He's cool! Superman appears in the driveway and in about 5 minutes, opens the door. Mark says, "Superman is NOT scary"! So, we give Mark a Popsicle and off we go to Aunt Karly's house! Whew! All of that only took about an hour and a half!

At about 6:00 this evening, I remembered to feed Lance's dog... oops! hahahaha! A day in the life! time for bed!

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