Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Blueberry and Pie

Thought I would share a little Christmas story with you all tonight. About 6 years ago, Haden (7 years old I think) really wanted a hamster for Christmas. Well, boy did Santa come through! Santa went to a very reputable pet store (because elves can't "build" a rodent) and purchased a blueberry hamster. She looked pretty close to the ones pictured above. Santa had to hide the hamster in my closet for about a week before Christmas (yes, he delivered early because it's too cold to have a hamster on the sleigh all night). So, I took care of the little hamster all week and on Christmas Eve, I gently laid the cage under the lights of the tree. I was worried the cat might let her curiosity get the better of her, so I slept on the sofa, keeping guard. I woke in the middle of the night and looked over at the cage to see the wood chips moving around, like something was wiggling underneath. After a close inspection, I discovered 9 tiny pink babies! Mama had 9 babies Christmas Eve!!! Are you kidding me??? We now have TEN blueberry hamsters??? Thanks alot SANTA! Oh boy...

It gets worse. A day or so later, we count the babies... 1,2,3...7? And the next day, 1,2,3...4? I called the vet and said, "I know this is going to sound really dumb, but I think Mama hamster is eating her babies". The vet says they do that when they are stressed and they think they are protecting their young. So we left Mama alone and she finally swallowed 7 babies in all, leaving two for us to figure out what the heck to do with! 

Haden named her Blueberry by the way... fitting to her specific species I thought... and kinda cute!

A good friend (Rebecca Bailey) decided that one of the babies would be perfect for her kids, so we adopted that one to her. We kept the other and purchased a cage and everything necessary for caring for another hamster and gave it to Dallas. He named it Pie! 

Thus ends the tale of Blueberry and Pie!

Merry Christmas to all! (I'm so glad Santa didn't bring a puppy!)