Saturday, September 3, 2011

Best Birthday EVER!

It's September, which is full of birthdays in our family. Chance's is the 10th, mine is the 27th, and Dallas' is the 30th. We also have Uncle Will (my little brother) on the 18th and my Grandpa K in there somewhere too! With all these birthdays come parties, and as John and I sat this evening trying to think of something interesting and different to do for Dallas and Chance (both turning 12), the memory of "the best birthday ever" popped in my head.

The year was 2009 and Dallas was turning 10. We had his party at the Parkhurst Pumpkin Patch, which if you have not visited, I highly recommend! Dallas invited 10 or so friends and we all met there. We got to enjoy everything the Pumpkin Patch had to offer. The first event was the corn maze... the boys started at the entrance and had a race to see who could make it through the fastest. They were breaking off corn stalks along the way to use as walking sticks, or swords...don't quite remember because I spent a majority of the maze time in the first aid station. 

Dallas sliced open his finger breaking off a corn stalk. It was bleeding and would not stop. Well, for those who don't know, Dallas doesn't do well when it comes to blood...especially his own So he finds me and he is as pale as a ghost and we start heading to first aid. Every time he looks at his finger, he starts to crumble to the ground and I am telling him the whole time, "quit looking at it! I can't carry you there!" hahaha...he finally made it and we were in there for quite a while. He threw up in the trash can while the lady was getting me the first aid kit. While we were in the first aid station, the rest of party continued on and didn't miss a beat! Dallas missed the petting zoo.
When we caught up with the rest of the party, they were finishing up at the petting zoo. Lindley was holding a little bunny... and right after taking this adorable picture of her with the bunny, it turned on her and bit her on the arm... so she was in tears. Well, off to the pony ride!

Each kid got a turn on a pony ride. Dallas has always been a little taller than the other kids and was probably not cut out for the miniature ponies they had for the kids to ride (not really mini, but very small). All the other kids totally enjoyed their ride, going in circles around the pin... Dallas... oh boy. His saddle started sliding to the side and Dallas fell off his pony into a pile of... dirt! Thank goodness...whew! He got up, dusted himself off, I made sure he was still in one piece, and off to the hay ride we go!

The hay ride was fun, and without any catastrophies!
We ended up at the pavilion where we had our own fire pit and all the necessary tools for a weenie roast and s'mores. Dallas finished his hotdog and began roasting marshmallows for his s'more... he pulled the marshmallow off of the metal rod and, yep... you guessed it! Burned his finger on the hot metal. He had a blister immediately...poor kid. 

After nearly passing out and vomiting over a bloody finger, falling off of a pony, and burning his finger (and let's not forget Lindley's bunny bite), Dallas turned to me and said, "Thanks Ma... this was the BEST birthday party EVER!" hahahaha...

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